This SundaySunday, November 26, 2023 Join us this weekend to hear from Reverend Tobi Nguyen as she preaches on the Reign of Christ. The Scripture readings will be from Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24, Ephesians 1:15-23, and Matthew 25:31-46. We hope you will join us! For more infomation visit:
Sunday School
**REMINDER: There will be NO Sunday School on November 26th.** Join us next Sunday School at 9:45am for Sunday School. |
Pecans For Sale!
Liz Allred will be selling pecans in Narthex after church on Sunday, proceeds will go to Open Table Ministry. Please consider purchasing to support this fundraiser. Contact Liz with any questions: lizallred@hotmail.com or (919) 943-0317 |
Luz de Vida – Children’s DonationLAST SUNDAY TO DONATE Luz de Vida, our Spanish Church, is embarking on a donation drive for children’s toys and shoes to be sent to Honduras. Resources for these items are extremely low in that country. Details of their effort are as follows:
Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generosity during this holiday season. Pastor Hilda Rodriguez |
Hanging of the Greens
On November 26th, we will have our annual Hanging of the Greens service. We will meet from 5pm - 7pm. What to expect: a short worship service, dinner - pizza in Rm 110, and decorating the church to look beautiful for the Advent Season. For more information, please contact: Linda Stewart (919) 516-6566 |
Advent Bible StudyAt the Parsonage Monday evenings in December at 6pm at the parsonage join Pastor Tobi and explore the scriptures as we prepare for the coming of the Light of the World! For details and questions, please reach out to the office: office@trinitydurham.org |
Allred / Shoaf Christ Care Meeting
The next Allred / Shoaf Christ Care meeting will be held on Monday, December 4th at 9:30am in the Parlor. All ladies are welcome to join! |
Thank You
Over the past few weeks, we’ve been looking at what the Bible teaches us about financial management. We’ve considered how we make and spend money, how we deal with debt, and how we save and invest for the future. We’ve examined how God wants us to relate to our money and earthly possessions, and we’ve explored what it means to live a life of gratitude and contentment. We have studied and worshiped . . . and we have responded! On Commitment Sunday, we received your personal commitments for the coming year. Thank you for prayerfully considering what offering you will make to God through our church in the coming year. Your gifts are an act of worship and an investment in opportunities for God to work through us. Our prayer is that you will find greater contentment and simplicity in your life as you put God first in your giving and your living. May we all experience the joy that comes from knowing that our gifts honor God and change lives! |
Community Luncheon RoundtableDecember 7 @ Noon Join Religious Coalition for a Nonviolent Durham Thursday, December 7 at noon in the fellowship hall of Elizabeth Street UMC (1209 N. Elizabeth Street) for our final Community Luncheon Roundtable of 2023. To close out the year, we'll welcome good friends from Prescriptions for Repair, a (recently completed) pilot initiative using restorative practices to "listen and learn what gun violence survivors need to heal." We're grateful for a chance to offer space and voice to folks who've spent many hours in deep, intentional listening to 30 of our neighbors most-impacted by gun violence. Come expecting a fresh and grounded perspective on the truth of our violence, and the gift of our sacred attention. As always, a delicious lunch is free and everybody is welcome. |
Justice Team Meeting
In December, the Justice Team will be meeting on Sunday, December 10th at 7pm on Zoom. We hope you can make it! Use the link provided below for the meeting. For more infomation visit: https://zoom.us/j/94432731708?pwd=MnN6NDRxT0UxU3VPODNiWnk5VjBRZz09
Prayer List
Carol Ayres • Melisha Scruggs • Ken Stewart (Michael Stewart’s brother) • Reggie Allred |
Give or Call
Give if you can and call if you need. For more infomation visit: