Third Sunday of EasterSunday, April 14, 2024 Join Trinity for worship this 3rd Sunday of Easter. Reverend Nguyen will continue her sermon series Belong, Behave, Believe. Sunday's theme is "Jesus meets his scared disciples with an invitation to fellowship." Come and be blessed! |
Reception for LivApril 21, 2024 As our pastoral intern, Liv Vermane, completes her time with us, the congregation is invited to express their gratitude and wish her well in her continuing ministry journey. Trinity is hosting a farewell reception in her honor after worship on April 21st. She will also debut the video she produced for the website. Come and greet Liv and show her our Trinity warmth and love! See you there. For more infomation visit:
Pancakes for the People Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who helped with our Pancakes for the People this last Sunday! We got everything done - and more than doubled the folks we served…. Back in December, we fed over 50 guests. This time, we fed over 125 people - to God be the glory! Special thanks to our amazing volunteers, including: Carolyn Schuldt; Annette Baker; Shelby Bowles; Angela, Dougal and Travis Fountain; Scott Livesey; Russ Odom; James Best; Lauren Crowell; Mark Scruggs; Olivia Vermane; Mark Daughtridge; Michael Vollers; Jimmy, Kai & Lorelei Nguyen; Jeremy and Katie Douglas; Maggie Hayes; Paul Copeland; Charleen Sears; Maggie Krause; and Bob Dennis. And before you even need to ask, the next 5th Sunday is June 30.... So please pencil that into your calendar… :-) |
Communion & Conversation
Communion and Conversaton, which meets weekly on Wednesdays at 12 noon, will pause May thru August. In September, Communion and Conversation is anticipated to resart.
Pray for NC General Conference DelegatonGeneral Conference ~ April 22nd - May 3rd The General Conference of the United Methodist Church is the legislative branch of the denomination. General Conference holds the power to revise The Book of Discipline and The Book of Resolutions while also initiating amendments to the denominations constitution. General Conference normally meets once every quadrennium or every four years. The NC Conference has 16 delegates attending General Conference. The Laity are: Christine Dodson, Ellen Beasley, LaNella Smith, Steve Taylor, Susan Graebe, Caleb Parker, Mark Schneider, and Danny Peck. The Clergy are: Belton Joyner, Lisa Yebuah, Edgardo Colon-Emeric, Amy Stewart, Sara Beth Pannell, Liz Roberts, Ben Williams, and Kevin Baker. PRAYCommit to individual and communal prayer for the General Conference, the lay and clergy delegates, the volunteers, and for discernment. Use the updated Upper Room prayer guide specific to General Conference 2024 to guide your prayers.
For more infomation visit:
Trinity Scholarships
Every year Trinity has a number of scholarships that are available for students of any age who are undertaking studies in higher education. A description of the various scholarships and the application form can be requested from the office (office@trinitydurham.org). The deadline for submission of all scholarship materials to the scholarship committee is Monday, June 3, 2024. Questions should be directed to the chairman of the scholarship committee, Alex Crowell (alex@trinitydurham.org).
Volunteers Needed for Our Kiddos!
It’s that time again! Our wonderful children’s Sunday School team needs volunteers to help us serve our kids and families through May! To volunteer, either email or call/text Travis (travis@trinitydurham.org or 706-351-9918) or fill out a volunteer card at service this Sunday!
Rev. Nguyen to be ordained at Annual Conference
Thank you for your prayers and affirmations as I approached my interviews with the Board of Ordained Ministry. I have been recommended for ordination as an Elder in the North Carolina Conference of the UMC! The Ordering of Ministry service is expected to be Saturday, June 15th at 11am in the Greenville Convention Center in Greenville, NC. Please see the link below for more information about NC Conference of the UMC's Annual Conference.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Tobi
Give or Call
Give if you can and call if you need.
Prayer List
Carol Ayres • Jane Eason • Drew Markham • Family of Jackie Lane |