Dear Trinity,
Over the months of the pandemic and in addition to delivering a multitude of child-size masks, your Congregations for Children committee has continued to reach out to Eastway to share the love and prayers of our congregation.
Thanks to your love and generosity, we are once again in a position to help Eastway!
This week, we heard from Genee Murray-Maddox, School Social Worker, who in her own words is a “link between home, school, and community, providing direct and indirect services to students and families to promote academic and social success.” We have seen this amazing woman in action, and we continue to be humbled by her dedication and love for her Eastway family.
Now, Ms. Murray-Maddox is hoping to reestablish Eastway’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The mission of the PTA is “to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.”
In order to move forward, they need $500.00 for the 501(c)(3) reinstatement process and $275.00 for the federal filing fee. In addition, Eastway has set a financial goal for the PTA of $5000.00, by the end of this school year.
Our C4C committee believes that a strong PTA can be the lifeblood of a school; therefore, thanks to generous contributions from Trinity’s congregation, we are sending in your name a check for $200.00, to help with the process. Both the school and the PTA are classified as nonprofits, so we can contribute to either or both.
If anyone would like to make an individual contribution to help, just send your check to
Eastway Elementary School
610 North Alston Avenue
Durham, NC 27701
Be sure to put PTA on the memo line.