During this time of COVID-19, our adult's ministry has taken on different forms (some online, some socially distanced, some inactive). If you would like to be involved, we welcome your participation! Please contact our Office Manager for more information (


Sunday Mornings

Young Adults & Young Families Sundays, 9:30-10:15 a.m. – This group uses books by contemporary Christian authors to discuss scripture and the Christian life. Soon they will begin a new series so now is a great time to join! They meet from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. in Room 200 (2nd floor) in the Education building. Contact: Office Manager,

Aldersgate Class, Sundays, 9:25-10:00 a.m. – The Aldersgate Class is led in a discussion format by teachers, Jim Ayres, Russel Richey, and Karen Bullock. For teaching and discussion, the class uses Cokesbury’s Adult Sunday School Lesson series. Class begins at 10:00 a.m. and dismisses at 10:30 a.m. in time for choir rehearsal. They meet in Room 0105 in the Education Building. Adults of all ages are welcome.

Seekers, Sundays, 9:30-10:15 a.m. – Class reading and discussion are based on books by contemporary Christian authors about relevant topics for Christian faith and life. They meet in the AV Room (Room 112) in the Education Building. Adults of all ages are welcome.

Open Door, Sundays, 9:30-10:15 a.m. – This adult class reads and discusses the lectionary scripture passages that are usually the focus of the 11:00 a.m. service. They meet in the Parlor (Room 101) in the Education Building. Adults of all ages are welcome

Fellowship Opportunities

Steeped in the Faith – Every Wednesday night at 8:00 pm, our Pastor hosts a Zoom study on varying topics from books of the Bible to contemporary issues. To join, subscribe to the Steeple (our newsletter) at the bottom of this page. You will receive a reminder on Wednesday morning with the Zoom link.

Young Adult Fellowship – Trinity has a growing group of young adults. Some are single. Some are married. Some have families of their own. They meet for lunch on the first Sunday of each month following the 11:00 a.m. worship service and weekly during the school year for study and conversation. Year-round they complete a number of service projects in Durham. Contact: Samantha Boyce, Minister of Discipleship & Spiritual Development

Middlers – The Middlers is a fellowship group of middle age and older women at Trinity. They meet once a month on the third Tuesday evening of the month to enjoy a meal together, get to know each other better, and support one another. Contact: Dale Ross,

Tuesday Club – The Tuesday Club was formed 20 years ago so that senior and retired Trinity members could fellowship. They meet on the second Tuesday of each month. Activities include lunch at local restaurants, day trips to historical sites, museums, art galleries, and more. Contact: Reggie & Liz Allred,,

United Methodist Women – The United Methodist Women host an annual Christmas Tea for the whole church so that everyone can be connected and to start Advent with celebration. In the fall, they sell pecans to raise money for missions, and throughout the year help organize receptions for funerals and special events. Contact: Liz Allred,

Fellowship Meals – The mission of the Fellowship Meals is to provide a convivial atmosphere for congregation members to have conversations together and enjoy each other’s company. In working together to make the meals happen, members get to know each other better and practice teamwork. Cooks are always needed! Contact: Merle Richey,

ChristCare Groups

ChristCare Groups – ChristCare Groups provide an environment where we strengthen our relationships with Christ through the study of God’s word, worship, and service done in the community of one another. Contact: Alex Crowell,

Spiritual Partners ChristCare Group – The Spiritual Partners ChristCare group meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday nights of each month in member homes to share fellowship, Bible study, and discussion of the application of Biblical principles into our lives so that we can be better servants of Christ. Contact: Linda Delbridge, 

Allred/Shoaf ChristCare Group – The Allred/Shoaf Christ Care group is a group of women who meet once a month at the church. They support one another through personal needs and struggles, and have an ongoing study and mission effort. The leader is Liz Allred. Anyone may join us at any time. Contact: Liz Allred,

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